Fight the Good Fight
Have you ever had to miss a boxing fight so you ended up recording it? Obviously you already know who the winner is but yet you still watch every hit and every miss and every knockdown right. Even though you know who won you still went through and watched the battle.
That's just like life, we already know who wins, Jesus already won the victory, it is done. But do you really think the devil is going to let you go out without a fight? Oh no! You better put on those spiritual boxing gloves and get ready to fight.
You see the devil is going to study you, just like your opponent in the ring, he dances around and around and right when he sees you are vulnerable, BAM that's when you get hit, and you may even get knocked down. The next decision is yours. Are you going to lay there in defeat or are you going to get back up and fight? I don't know about you but I'm going to fight but we're not talking about a physical fight here we're talking about spiritual warfare.
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.” Ephesians 6:12 NKJV
So how do we do this? How do we fight? The bible makes it very clear to us. I encourage you to read Ephesians 6 where it explains in detail but I will break it down a bit. First and foremost we must have faith. You have to have faith in God's promises, that you are more than a conqueror, that he already has the victory, that God is always with you, that God will fight for you and will never forsake you. When you believe that with all your heart you are allowing God to move in your life. Speak those promises over your situation. Speak life into your situation whatever your battle may be. When you go through life doing this, things don't phase you the way they used to because you know that no matter how big your battle is, your God is bigger.
Next would be prayer. Man, the power of prayer is unbelievable! I have seen first hand what prayer can do! You may be in a season where you are feeling so defeated and you don't feel God at all in your life, drop to your knees and cry out to him! He's waiting for you, he wants to fight for you but you have to give him access. Don't let the devil steal what's already promised to you. He doesn't win this fight! Remember that! Your relationship with God is the single most important thing in your life and we strengthen our relationship through prayer. As you place your requests onto the Lord don't forget to also silence yourself and listen. You can dodge a hit when you hear God speaking but if you can't hear what he's telling you, you may get knocked down a few times.
Next is to be reading your bible. The devil will lie to you. He will put thoughts in your head, that you aren't good enough, you aren't worthy, look at you where's your God now?, you aren't pretty enough, you aren't strong enough, etc. THE DEVIL IS A LIAR! Those thoughts do not come from God, you must know that! You may even be feeling like well I think I'm going to marry him so it's ok to have sex, I don't go out all the time so it's ok for me to get drunk this time, I just need to take one hit to get high, that's not bad. NO! Could you ever imagine God telling you to do these things? That is the enemy putting those thoughts in your head. Taunting you and teasing you. Just like your opponent would be in the ring. This is where knowing the bible comes in. When these thoughts creep into your head you have to remind yourself what God says about you and what God says is right and wrong and you can only do that by knowing his word.
So if there are things that you are battling just remind yourself that you have already won. Jesus won the victory and he wants to take you from glory to glory. Stand strong in your faith, believe in the power of prayer and arm yourself with the word of God!
"Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses." Timothy 6:12 NIV
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