How do you run from what's inside your head?
It was a normal day just like any other when all of a sudden my chest started to get heavy, it was hard for me to breath, my heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest. I tell myself to take a deep breath and to clam down. My mind is racing, I feel afraid, my hands start to shake. Not again. Here comes a migraine, I just want to sleep go to sleep. I lay down in bed, my mind won't stop, please make it stop, I try to pray but I can't hear myself think. I finally am able to fall asleep, nightmare after nightmare, tossing and turning. I wake up exhausted and ready to fight another day.
No I'm not going crazy, this is what it's like in the day of someone who suffers from anxiety. Everyday my mind won't stop over analyzing everything, fear takes over my body, I feel like I have no control. It can be very scary and very consuming. I can't watch the news or watch things on social media, everything I watch will take over my thoughts and I will fear for the future of my family. Fear to the point where it will take over my day and not allow me to enjoy the moments. Fear and anxiety will literally rob me of my joy.
Anxiety is very real, but you know what, so is God. One day, I couldn't take it anymore, I felt like I was losing my mind and all of a sudden this scripture from 2 Timothy 1:7 came to mind. "For God has not given us a spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind". Suddenly, my anxiety wasn't consuming me anymore. I had to remind myself that anxiety and fear doesn't come from God, and I have authority through the Holy Spirit over this fear. I decided I wasn't going to let my anxiety control me any longer.
I proceeded to do a bible study, I looked up as many scriptures on anxiety as I could and wrote them down in a notebook. Whenever I start to feel that pounding in my chest or my breathing getting heavy, I will grab my notebook and start speaking those scriptures over myself. I immediately begin to calm down when I do so. The bible is not only just the word of God but the LIVING word of God. It is real! There is power in his word, in his promises and in his name.
I don't know what it is that you deal with daily. I don't know if you also suffer from anxiety, maybe it's depression, maybe heavy stress levels, whatever it may be, God is the answer. I strongly dislike taking medicine for anything unless completely necessary. So I refuse to take medication for anxiety. I can overcome this. I WILL overcome this. So will you. I am standing in agreement that together with God we will overcome these mental disorders. A lot of people may not understand your struggle but God does. The same God that heals the sick, made the blind see and the lame walk, the same God that raises the dead to life, is the same God who can and will heal you.
My peace, my healing and my comfort comes from God alone. I know the power of prayer, the power of his word and the power of the Holy Spirit. My prayer for you is that if you haven't experienced that power, that now you will. I pray you seek God and allow him to do what only he can do in your life. I promise you, it will be the best decision you ever make. God is a good father and he desires to care for us. Let him. I'm still dealing with this anxiety everyday but just knowing that God is for me, calms my soul. How could I possibly fear the future when I know who holds my future in his hands.
I hope this encouraged someone to not give up tonight. I hope this strengthened someone's faith tonight. Most of all I hope God's comfort and peace is fulfilling someone's heart tonight.
“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7
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